"Time has been warped so that many Heian era relics appear in this area. It may look beautiful, but do not be fooled. The captain says it isn't safe for humans. Certain death awaits, he said!"
—Yū, roughly at the start of Chapter 1.
The Age of Grace is the first Age and second battlefield introduced in Toukiden: The Age of Demons.
An Age featuring the characteristics of the Nara and Heian eras. The entire area is permanently bathed in a golden evening glow. Giant petrified lotus plants can be seen throughout, dripping water from their leaves. While the buildings suggest an atmosphere of opulence, there is also a feeling of atrophy and ruin, and no sign of life.
Temporal Anomalies[]
Loops from 0:05
BPM: 140 (3/4)
- It is likely that this is the latest Age to form around Utakata, as Ōka mentions that it (or at least a part of it) was a normal forest a few months before the events of the game.