Toukiden Wiki

Anomaloses are the sixteenth large Oni introduced in Toukiden: Kiwami, first appearing in the Age of Honor and being the variant of Petroses.


Toukiden: Kiwami
A mutant form of Oni sometimes seen among a swarm of Petros. They takes their name from their quite incredible defensive strength, thought to be beyond the bounds of phisical possiblity. Chemical analysis revealed no trace of any Animus. They are believed to be a new genus of Oni, formed when the number of Petros in a swarm exceeds a certain level.
オノゴロの群れの中に、時折、見られるようになった変異種。計り知れない防御力を持つことから、この世の理の枠外にあるかという意味の名が付けられた。 体組織を詳細に分析しても、蝕“鬼”の痕跡は見いだせない。 オノゴロの存在が一定数以上に達したことにより、新たに異界から呼び出されるようになった新種の“鬼”であろう。[2]
Toukiden 2
A variant of Petros. One of a new breed of Oni that first appeared inthe north a year and a half ago. Its immesurable defensive properties have led some to suggest it exists outside of physical laws. Sightings in the west of the Midlands are still rare, meaning further research is required.



  • C13-M28: The Rolling Stone
  • C13-M32: The Ultimate Challenge

  • P13-M21: The Rolling Stone
  • P14-M5: Arms of Iron
  • P14-M20: Up from the Depths
  • P15-M20: Total Collapse
  • P17-M3: Animus Strike - Honor
  • DLC-M22: Transformations Awry

Age of Chaos - Chaos Valley

  • C6-M4: Ultimate Iron
  • C6-M11: Purify - Chaos Valley -
  • C6-M16: Despair on the Wing

  • P6-M4: Destruction Perfected
  • P6-M9: Upheaval in the Desert
  • P11-M9: Deeper Ruins - Chaos -
  • P11-M12: Fortress of Evil
  • P11-M13: Recovery - Chaos -


Toukiden: Kiwami[3][]

Name Type Age Mission Chance
Soga Tokimune Pln-icon Honor-icon C13-M28, P13-M21, P14-M5, P15-M20, P17-M3 ???

Toukiden 2[]

Name Type Age Chance
Takechi Hanpeita Atk-icon Chaos-icon High
Chiba Shūsaku Spc-icon Chaos-icon Low
Name Type Age Chance
Kuzaka Genzui Def-icon Chaos-icon ???
Sakamoto Otome Pln-icon Chaos-icon ???


Silver rockskin
Yellow-blue mask
Converse droplet
Impossible truehorn
Impossible spike
Impossible arm
Incredible arm
Impossible claw
Impossible leg spike
Otherworldly diamond
Shining polyhedron
Sin shard
Eye of Truth mask

Normal Expert
1 Silver rockskin 4 Yellow-blue mask
3 Transcendent droplet 6 Converse droplet
1 Impossible hornbit 4 Impossible horn
1 Impossible spike 4 Hard impossible spike
1 Impossible arm 4 Strong impossible arm
1 Impossible claw 4 Hard impossible claw
1 Voice of lament 4 Moan of lament
1 Voice of anguish 4 Moan of anguish
1 Voice of resentment 4 Moan of resentment
1 Voice of despair 4 Moan of despair
2 Soul crystal 5 Polyhedron crystal
1 Voice of regret 4 Moan of regret
1 Whisper of affection 4 Vow of love
1 Voice of valor 4 Roar of valor
Oni liver



List of Oni
Logo-Toukiden The Age of Demons Small Oni
ImpDark ImpPale ImpBlazing SoulShadow SoulPoisonspitterSleepspitterAurwingDark AurwingPale AurwingEarthfangFrostfangDrumbleUmbrapodCrawlerFrostcrawlerThorntongueFiretongueRockshellBlistershellHowlerBlitzerSickleclawSoulreaperRazortalonGoldentalon

Large Oni
ManhunterBloodhunterWindshredderSkyshredderJolluxEdaxPyropteryxAstrapteryxTerragrinderPyrogrinderHarrowhalfDreadhalfViper QueenVenom QueenBladewingFrostwingChthonian FiendAbyssal FiendHell's WardenHell's SentinelNightbladeSablebladeCimmerian KingAmaranthine KingCerberus
Logo-Quiz Battle Toukiden Dark Blazing SoulDark DrumbleDark HowlerDark SickleclawDark Razortalon
Logo-Toukiden Kiwami AurogrinderMynxPantheraScreecherCaterwaulerPhytodiorPhlogistorPutroxGlaciabellaMortabellaPetrosAnomalosThanatocerosMaledictaurCacarionOnyxwingStealthwingSnowflameNightstormMetagnostCrepusculosSnaggwenCimmerian QueenDreadknight
Logo-Toukiden 2 Medium Oni

Large Oni
BruteclawScorpioclawBladetailSuccuwingSwiftwingQuadbracchiumCruspiscesCrocodilusWingspawnGoylespawnLeohominDrakwingColubraBrutebeastWreckbeastTokiwa-no-OrochiTenrin Kaija
Logo-Toukiden Mononofu Shadow Viper QueenShadow BladewingAdedakini ▪ ???