Toukiden Wiki

Cacarions are the seventeenth large Oni introduced in Toukiden: Kiwami, first appearing in the Age of Grace and being the variant of Maledictaurs.


Toukiden: Kiwami
A large Oni of human form, with the head of a horse. Their giant bodies and the clubs they use as a weapon make many suspect they are a mutant form of a Maledictaur. There have not been any reports of them commanding other Oni, but they are thought to possess equal or even superior powers to Maledictaurs. They are without doubt extremely dangerous.
現在のところ、他の“鬼”を統率する行動は報告されていないものの、ゴズコンゴウと同等、またはそれ以上の力を持っているとされている。 危険な存在であることは間違いない。[1]



  • C13-M29: Invitation to a Nightmare

  • P13-M22: Invitation to a Nightmare
  • P14-M14: Hell's Prison
  • P16-M21: Village Defense - Part 3
  • P17-M2: Animus Strike - Grace
  • P17-M17: Four Fiends

  • P11-M4: Chaotic Daydream
  • P11-M12: Fortress of Evil
  • P12-M?: Vision of Hell

  • Mitama[]

    Toukiden: Kiwami[]

    Name Type Age Mission Chance
    Ōtomo no Yakamochi Sup-icon Grace-icon C13-M29, P13-M22, P17-M2 ???

    Toukiden 2[]

    Name Type Age Chance
    Lady Atsu Atk-icon Chaos-icon ???
    Tōdō Heisuke Pln-icon Chaos-icon ???


    Cacarion crown
    Cacarion hellrobe
    Bluefire horseking
    Horsehead truehorns
    Hellfrost icestaff
    Departed's deathcry
    Cacarion steelarm
    Rageice spark shell
    Cacarion ironclaw
    Cacarion hardtail
    Steel frostfur
    Otherworldly diamond
    Shining polyhedron
    Sin shard
    Eye of Truth mask

    4 Cacarion crown
    6 Bluefire horseking
    4 Cacarion horn
    4 Hellfrost icestaff
    4 Hellish armshell
    4 Cacarion hellclaw
    4 Cacarion brutetail
    4 Moan of lament
    4 Moan of anguish
    4 Moan of resentment
    4 Moan of despair
    6 Polyhedron crystal
    4 Moan of regret
    4 Vow of love
    4 Roar of valor
    1 Oni liver


    • Cacarions have a higher pitched voice than Maledictaurs, and their hooves make a different noise when they walk.
    • Maledictaurs and Cacarions are most likely based on the two guardians of hell in Chinese mythology, Ox-Head and Horse-Face, due to resembling them in appearance and having gozu (ox head) and mezu (horse head) in their Japanese names.[2]


    List of Oni
    Logo-Toukiden The Age of Demons Small Oni
    ImpDark ImpPale ImpBlazing SoulShadow SoulPoisonspitterSleepspitterAurwingDark AurwingPale AurwingEarthfangFrostfangDrumbleUmbrapodCrawlerFrostcrawlerThorntongueFiretongueRockshellBlistershellHowlerBlitzerSickleclawSoulreaperRazortalonGoldentalon

    Large Oni
    ManhunterBloodhunterWindshredderSkyshredderJolluxEdaxPyropteryxAstrapteryxTerragrinderPyrogrinderHarrowhalfDreadhalfViper QueenVenom QueenBladewingFrostwingChthonian FiendAbyssal FiendHell's WardenHell's SentinelNightbladeSablebladeCimmerian KingAmaranthine KingCerberus
    Logo-Quiz Battle Toukiden Dark Blazing SoulDark DrumbleDark HowlerDark SickleclawDark Razortalon
    Logo-Toukiden Kiwami AurogrinderMynxPantheraScreecherCaterwaulerPhytodiorPhlogistorPutroxGlaciabellaMortabellaPetrosAnomalosThanatocerosMaledictaurCacarionOnyxwingStealthwingSnowflameNightstormMetagnostCrepusculosSnaggwenCimmerian QueenDreadknight
    Logo-Toukiden 2 Medium Oni

    Large Oni
    BruteclawScorpioclawBladetailSuccuwingSwiftwingQuadbracchiumCruspiscesCrocodilusWingspawnGoylespawnLeohominDrakwingColubraBrutebeastWreckbeastTokiwa-no-OrochiTenrin Kaija
    Logo-Toukiden Mononofu Shadow Viper QueenShadow BladewingAdedakini ▪ ???