Toukiden Wiki

Dreadknights are the twenty-fourth large Oni introduced in Toukiden: Kiwami and the fourth and final Oni exclusive to DLC missions. They first apear in the Village Surrounds.


Toukiden: Kiwami
A large, four-armed Oni with an impressive powerful body, they appeared suddenly in the latest battles. Having all characteristics generally recognized as those of the "primal Oni," they are thought to be an ancient type, dating back to the foundation of the Slayers. The rumor that the Dreadhalf once had two legs probably originates with this Oni.
圧倒的な体躯と四本の腕を持つ、大型の“鬼”。今大戦において、突如出現した。 民間に流布する「鬼」の特徴を色濃く持つことから、「モノノフ」創設以前より存在していた、最古の“鬼”と考えられている。


Destructible parts[]

  • All arms and both legs can be severed and purified.
  • The horns can be permanently broken.

Attack techniques[]

"Crush" is most effecitve for attacking its legs, which are comparatively easy to reach.


Loops from 1:06
BPM: 136 (4/4)


  • DLCU-M13: The Evil Emperor
  • DLCU-M14: The Miasmatic Cloud
  • DLCU-M15: The Emperor's Downfall
  • DLC-M36: Ladder of Heroes


Name Type Age Mission Chance
Kamo no Tadayuki Dct-icon Grace-icon DLCU-M15, DLCU-M14, DLCU-M15, DLC-M36 ???
Yoshida Kenkō Spc-icon Honor-icon DLCU-M15, DLCU-M14, DLCU-M15, DLC-M36 ???
Sasaki Kojirō Spd-icon War-icon DLCU-M15, DLCU-M14, DLCU-M15, DLC-M36 ???
Toyotomi Hideyori Lck-icon War-icon DLCU-M15, DLCU-M14, DLCU-M15, DLC-M36 ???
Amaterasu Spc-icon Yore-icon DLCU-M15, DLCU-M14, DLCU-M15, DLC-M36 ???


7 Tigerskin loincloth
8 Oni crown
9 Hidden matter
8 Imperious horn
8 Imperious claw
8 True goldstaff
8 Large steel arm
8 Large steel leg
7 Puresoul crystal
7 Murksoul crystal
7 Oni's large club
7 Obsidian sand
7 Spirit shard
9 Sin shard
9 Punishment shard
1 Eye of Truth mask



List of Oni
Logo-Toukiden The Age of Demons Small Oni
ImpDark ImpPale ImpBlazing SoulShadow SoulPoisonspitterSleepspitterAurwingDark AurwingPale AurwingEarthfangFrostfangDrumbleUmbrapodCrawlerFrostcrawlerThorntongueFiretongueRockshellBlistershellHowlerBlitzerSickleclawSoulreaperRazortalonGoldentalon

Large Oni
ManhunterBloodhunterWindshredderSkyshredderJolluxEdaxPyropteryxAstrapteryxTerragrinderPyrogrinderHarrowhalfDreadhalfViper QueenVenom QueenBladewingFrostwingChthonian FiendAbyssal FiendHell's WardenHell's SentinelNightbladeSablebladeCimmerian KingAmaranthine KingCerberus
Logo-Quiz Battle Toukiden Dark Blazing SoulDark DrumbleDark HowlerDark SickleclawDark Razortalon
Logo-Toukiden Kiwami AurogrinderMynxPantheraScreecherCaterwaulerPhytodiorPhlogistorPutroxGlaciabellaMortabellaPetrosAnomalosThanatocerosMaledictaurCacarionOnyxwingStealthwingSnowflameNightstormMetagnostCrepusculosSnaggwenCimmerian QueenDreadknight
Logo-Toukiden 2 Medium Oni

Large Oni
BruteclawScorpioclawBladetailSuccuwingSwiftwingQuadbracchiumCruspiscesCrocodilusWingspawnGoylespawnLeohominDrakwingColubraBrutebeastWreckbeastTokiwa-no-OrochiTenrin Kaija
Logo-Toukiden Mononofu Shadow Viper QueenShadow BladewingAdedakini ▪ ???