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Jolluxes are the third large Oni introduced in Toukiden: The Age of Demons, first appearing in the Age of War.


Toukiden: The Age of Demons official website
A large Oni with a body like that of a mountain, they are highly intelligent and are capable of even setting traps for Slayers. In addition, the attacks from their massive bodies must be avoided at all costs as their charge and leaping attacks are especially adept at crushing every bone in a Slayer's body.[2]
山のごとき躯を誇る、大型の“鬼”。知能が高く、だまし討ちをするなど、狡猾な行動が報告されている。 一方で、圧倒的な巨体から放たれる攻撃は、脅威の一言。 突進や跳躍攻撃は、
Toukiden: The Age of Demons (in-game)
An Oni with a body like that of a mountain, they are highly intelligent and are capable of even setting traps for Slayers. In addition, the charge and leaping attacks from their massive physiques can crush every bone in a Slayer's body. Moreover, they transform when on a rampage, bringing out fear and revulsion from those they encounter.
山のごとき体躯を誇る、大型の“鬼”。知能が高く、だまし討ちをするなど、狡猾な行動が報告されている。 一方で、圧倒的な巨体から放たれる攻撃は、脅威の一言。突進や跳躍攻撃は、まともに受ければ、骨まで砕かれる。


Jolluxes are large, biped and obese Oni. Most of their body is colored brown and white. They have a small head with two horns, red eyes with orange irises, sharp claws on each finger and spikes protruding from their back, as well as what seem to be yellowish, rocky plates covering their arms and legs. Their horns, teeth and spikes are noticeably bloodstained. When they enter a rampage, a massive mouth with crooked teeth and a large tongue opens on their stomach.


"If this is your first time fighting a Jollux, watch out for its transformations or it will lay you out flat."
Giant's Roost description.

Destructible parts[]

  • The arms and legs can be severed and purified. The legs can also be completely destroyed in Toukiden 2.
  • The horns and the spikes on its back can be permanently broken.

Attack techniques[]

During a rampage, all attack techniques are effective when landed on the mouth that opens in its belly.


  • Raises its leg and stomps the ground.
  • Shakes its arms, then jumps and creates a shockwave where it lands. Hit targets may be stunned. If both legs have been severed, it will fall on its back upon landing.
  • Swings its right arm at the target. Sometimes, it may turn sideways first.
  • Raises its left arm slightly, then quickly swings it while turning backwards.
  • Lays both arms on the ground, then growls and charges forward. Hit targets will be knocked into the air. Can be countered with Oni Throw in Toukiden 2.
  • Sticks its hands into the ground and throws a rock forward, which will break almost instantly. Sometimes, the rock may go further without breaking. If it breaks in higher difficulties, its pieces will spread in multiple directions around the Oni.
  • Bends forward and creates a barrier around it. It will instantly enter a rampage if attacked.
  • Slaps its stomach, creating a shockwave that puts hit targets to sleep.
  • Roars and slams its arms on the ground twice. This is used every time its essence is revealed when one of its body parts is destroyed.

Higher difficulty exclusive:

  • Bends forward, then raises its arms and creates a whirlwind around itself. Hit targets may be stunned.

Jolluxes enter this state if their essence has been revealed without destroying one of their body parts, or if they are attacked when creating a barrier. They have low defense at the start of the battle, making a rampage likely to happen early on.

  • Roars and charges forward. Can be countered with Oni Throw in Toukiden 2.
  • Hunches slightly backwards while raising its leg, then charges forward, sliding on its knees with its tongue out. It will also turn in other directions to follow the target. Hit targets will be knocked into the air. Sometimes, it may travel a much shorter distance. Can be countered with Oni Throw in Toukiden 2.
  • Growls and quickly spins around. In higher difficulties, it will follow the target while spinning.
  • Hunches backwards and roars. Hit targets will be poisoned.
  • Spits a poisonous projectile out of its second mouth, which spread the poison to a small area if it hits the ground.



Loops from 0:18
BPM: 108 (4/4)


  • C2-M8: Decoy Mission - Part 3
  • C2-M13: Jollux Hunt
  • C3-M10: Devourer of Grace
  • C4-M3: Out of Dust
  • C4-M9: Defensive Mission: Peace
  • C5-M3: Devourer of Forests
  • C6-M3: Red Hooked Executioner
  • C6-M9: Hungry for Blood
  • C6-M14: Colossal Coalition

  • P2-M13: A Gluttonous Appetite
  • P3-M2: Jollux Hunt
  • P3-M6: Devourer of Grace
  • P6-M3: Red Hooked Executioner
  • P6-M6: Hungry for Blood
  • P6-M12: Colossal Coalition
  • P6-M17: Giant Killing
  • P8-M10: Battle with the Big Eater
  • P9-M1: The Giant Snowman
  • P10-M1: Appetite for Destruction
  • P10-M7: Oni Pursuit - Peace
  • P10-M12: Oni Eradication - War
  • S-M11: Grotesque Masquerade

  • C11-M6: Memory Quest - Dannoura
  • C12-M13: Conjoined Souls - Part 1
  • C13-M10: An Insatiable Appetite
  • C13-M16: Mountainous Roar
  • C13-M24: Defending the Village
  • C13-M25: The Demon's Castle

    • P11-M9: Beyond the Grave
    • P13-M3: An Insatiable Appetite
    • P13-M9: Mountainous Roar
    • P13-M17: Village Defense - Part 1
    • P13-M18: The Demon's Castle
    • P14-M18: Big Boys
    • P17-M9: Much Ado About Nothing
    • DLC-M10: Gut Out of Control
    • DLC-M30: Exterminate Evil - War

    Age of War - Tenkū-Azuchi Castle - Rear Gate

    • C3-M4: Village Eater
    • C7-M14: Belly of Endless Hunger
    • C7-M31: Oncoming Disaster

    • P3-M2: Giant's Roost
    • P4-M2: Mountainous Roar
    • P9-M7: Clash in Ikusagahara
    • P9-M8: Deeper Ruins - War


    Toukiden: The Age of Demons[4][]

    Name Type Age Mission Chance[5]
    Takeda Shingen Dct-icon War-icon C2-M8, P2-M13 Guaranteed
    Sei Shōnagon Hlg-icon Grace-icon C3-M10, P3-M6 Low
    Kusunoki Masashige Atk-icon Honor-icon C5-M3 Low
    Soga no Iruka Dct-icon Yore-icon C4-M3 Very low
    Katsushika Hokusai Def-icon Peace-icon C4-M9, P4-M7 Very low
    Name Type Age Mission Chance
    Mōri Motonari Dct-icon War-icon C6-M3, P6-M3, P6-M17 Low
    Ashikaga Takauji Def-icon Honor-icon C6-M9, C6-M14, P6-M6, P6-M12 Low
    Uesugi Kenshin Atk-icon War-icon C6-M3, P6-M3, P6-M17, C12-M13[6] Very low
    Hino Tomiko Lck-icon Honor-icon C6-M9, C6-M14, P6-M6, P6-M12 Very low
    Susano'o Atk-icon Yore-icon P8-M10 Very low
    Raiden Tame'emon Def-icon Peace-icon P10-M7 Very low

    Toukiden: Kiwami[4][]

    Name Type Age Mission Chance
    Maeda Toshiie Pln-icon War-icon C2-M8, C2-M13, P2-M13, P3-M2 ???
    Name Type Age Mission Chance
    Shimazu Yoshihiro Pln-icon War-icon C13-M10, P13-M3 ???

    Toukiden 2[]

    Name Type Age Chance
    Uesugi Kenshin Pln-icon War-icon Guaranteed (Story)
    Imagawa Yoshimoto Hlg-icon War-icon High
    Lady Nō Sup-icon War-icon Low
    Name Type Age Chance
    Chacha Spt-icon War-icon High
    Miyamoto Musashi Atk-icon War-icon Low


    Normal Expert Ultimate
    Adamantine hair Strong adamantine Surfeit sharptooth
    Surfeit molar Flowing mountain Rolling mountain
    Revolving mountain Jollux horns Jollux truehorn
    Jollux hornbit Divine mountains Unknowable mountain
    Horned mountains Rocky arm shell Craggy arm shell
    Jollux arm shell Rocky leg shell Craggy leg shell
    Jollux leg shell Moan of anguish Oni's large club
    Oni's club Polyhedron crystal Otherworldly diamond
    Voice of anguish Roar of valor Sin shard
    Soul crystal
    3 Eye of Truth mask

    Normal Expert
    1 Adamantine hair 4 Strong adamantine
    3 Revolving mountain 6 Flowing mountain
    1 Jollux hornbit 4 Jollux horns
    1 Horned mountains 4 Divine mountains
    1 Jollux armshell 4 Rocky armshell
    1 Jollux legplate 4 Jollux legshell
    1 Voice of lament 4 Moan of lament
    1 Voice of anguish 4 Moan of anguish
    1 Voice of despair 4 Moan of despair
    1 Oni's club 4 Otherworldly mineral
    1 Voice of regret 4 Moan of regret
    1 Voice of resentment 4 Moan of resentment
    1 Whisper of affection 4 Vow of love
    1 Voice of valor 4 Roar of valor
    1 Oni liver


    • The name "Jollux" is English slang from the 18th century that means "fat person".[7]
    • Jolluxes are the first large Oni to have special conditions to enter a rampage.
    • Jolluxes are the first Oni to inflict multiple status ailments.



    List of Oni
    Logo-Toukiden The Age of Demons Small Oni
    ImpDark ImpPale ImpBlazing SoulShadow SoulPoisonspitterSleepspitterAurwingDark AurwingPale AurwingEarthfangFrostfangDrumbleUmbrapodCrawlerFrostcrawlerThorntongueFiretongueRockshellBlistershellHowlerBlitzerSickleclawSoulreaperRazortalonGoldentalon

    Large Oni
    ManhunterBloodhunterWindshredderSkyshredderJolluxEdaxPyropteryxAstrapteryxTerragrinderPyrogrinderHarrowhalfDreadhalfViper QueenVenom QueenBladewingFrostwingChthonian FiendAbyssal FiendHell's WardenHell's SentinelNightbladeSablebladeCimmerian KingAmaranthine KingCerberus
    Logo-Quiz Battle Toukiden Dark Blazing SoulDark DrumbleDark HowlerDark SickleclawDark Razortalon
    Logo-Toukiden Kiwami AurogrinderMynxPantheraScreecherCaterwaulerPhytodiorPhlogistorPutroxGlaciabellaMortabellaPetrosAnomalosThanatocerosMaledictaurCacarionOnyxwingStealthwingSnowflameNightstormMetagnostCrepusculosSnaggwenCimmerian QueenDreadknight
    Logo-Toukiden 2 Medium Oni

    Large Oni
    BruteclawScorpioclawBladetailSuccuwingSwiftwingQuadbracchiumCruspiscesCrocodilusWingspawnGoylespawnLeohominDrakwingColubraBrutebeastWreckbeastTokiwa-no-OrochiTenrin Kaija
    Logo-Toukiden Mononofu Shadow Viper QueenShadow BladewingAdedakini ▪ ???