Toukiden Wiki

"I shall be your comb, and provide you with strength!"
Lady Kushinada, when obtained/equipped in Toukiden: Kiwami.

Lady Kushinada is a Healing type Mitama introduced in Toukiden: Kiwami.


??? - ???

A goddess from Japanese mythology, and the original "Yamato Nadeshiko," the personified form of feminine beauty. Of the eight daughters of Tenazuna and Ashinazuna, of whom the great serpent Yamata no Orochi took one a year as a sacrifice, she was the last to remain. Just as Yamata no Orochi was about to claim her, she was discovered by Susano'o, who happened to be passing by. He fell in love with her instantly and went to her rescue. Transformed into a comb, she remained in Susano'o's hair throughout his battle with the beast. After Yamata no Orochi had been slain, she returned to her original form, and became Susano'o's wife. According to some sources, she is the mother of Okuninushi. She later earned worshippers as the goddess of the paddy field.


Toukiden: Kiwami[]

Level Boosts[2] Haku Upgrade[1]
1 Stamina (Lv. 3) -
2 Conviction 6,600
3 Ebullience 7,200
4 Vitality+ (Bulwark) 7,900
5 Stamina (Lv. 4) 8,500
6 Zeal+ (Accuracy) 9,200
7 Devotion 9,900
8 Zeal+ (Amplify) 10,500
9 Vitality+ (Rigid) 11,800
10 Zeal+ (Attributes) 13,200
11 Exuberance 14,500
ULT Zeal+ (Rage) 16,500

Toukiden 2[]

Boosts Proficiency[3]
Assertion - - -
Atk-icon Might+ (Nimble) - 9,000 15,000
Atk-icon Might (Extend) 4,000 12,000 20,000
Hlg-icon Zeal+ (Amplify) 4,500 13,500 22,500
Hlg-icon Zeal+ (Accuracy) 4,500 13,500 22,500
Hlg-icon Zeal (Extend) 3,000 9,000 15,000
Hlg-icon Auto-therapy (Reduce) 3,500 10,500 17,500
Hlg-icon Auto-therapy+ (Amity) 4,000 12,000 20,000
Traditional Woman 4,000 12,000 20,000

Combination Boosts[]

Toukiden: Kiwami[1][]

  • Bonds of Matrimony: when equipped with Susano'o.
  • Bond of the Gods: when equipped with two of the following: Lady Miyazu, Konohanasakuya and Izanami.

Toukiden 2[]

  • Bonds of Matrimony: when equipped with Susano'o.


Toukiden: Kiwami[]

C8-M3: The Demonic Messenger
P8-M19: Darkness Descends
Can be obtained from a Screecher at Normal difficulty.

Toukiden 2[]

Can be obtained from a Tokiwa-no-Orochi at Normal difficulty.

