- 12-layered kimono
- ATK Master (Boosts)
- A Soul Freed
- Abdomen
- Abe no Hirafu
- Abe no Seimei
- Ablution (Boosts)
- Abyss
- Abyss Sickle
- Abyss drop
- Abyssal Fiend
- Adamantine hair
- Adedakini
- Admiral Perry
- Affliction
- Age of Chaos
- Age of Chaos/Frozen Forest
- Age of Chaos/Ice Volcano
- Age of Chaos II
- Age of Grace
- Age of Grace/Rajōmon Ruins
- Age of Grace/Temple of the Phoenix
- Age of Grace II
- Age of Honor
- Age of Honor/Arboreal Tabernacle
- Age of Honor/Whirlpool Island
- Age of Honor II
- Age of Peace
- Age of Peace/Floating Nagoya Castle
- Age of Peace/Infinite Inner Chambers
- Age of Peace II
- Age of War
- Age of War/Hidden Tiger Castle
- Age of War/Pyroclastic Azuchi Castle
- Age of War II
- Age of Yore
- Age of Yore/Cursed Plains
- Age of Yore/Lake of Blood
- Age of Yore II
- Agility (Boosts)
- Agitation
- Akechi Mitsuhide
- Alertness
- Altruism (Boosts)
- Amakusa Shirō
- Amaranthine King
- Amaterasu
- Amenokako Bow
- Amethyst
- Amulet
- Ancient coin
- Ancient teacup
- Anomalos
- Antidote
- Application
- Appraisal
- Aquaclaw
- Arahabaki figure
- Araraki Spear
- Arcanum
- Ariwara no Narihira
- Armor
- Armor sets (Toukiden: The Age of Demons)
- Armory
- Arms of Steel
- Asakura Sōteki
- Ascetic's beads
- Ashikaga Yoshimitsu
- Ashikaga Yoshiteru
- Ashiya Dōman
- Assertion
- Astrapteryx
- Asura Club
- Attack up
- Aurogrinder
- Aurwing
- Avaricious fang
- Avenge Raiden Tame'emon
- Barrier (Boosts)
- Barrier Stone Cave
- Beaded necklace
- Benizuki
- Benkei
- Bent baton
- Bent pipe
- Bewitching cloth
- Beyond the Known
- Binding rope
- Birch Bow
- Bird cherry
- Black exosqueleton
- Black feather
- Black miasmatic stone
- Black sand
- Bladetail
- Bladewing
- Blaze Naginata
- Blaze Sword
- Blazebird Bow
- Blazebird Knives
- Blazing Soul
- Blistershell
- Blitzer
- Blood red ore
- Bloodhunter
- Blueblaze Naginata
- Blueblaze Sickle
- Bond materials
- Bonds
- Boosts
- Bound Souls
- Bounty goddess
- Bow
- Bow Weapon Tree (Age of Demons)
- Bow Weapon Tree (Kiwami)
- Bow Weapon Tree (TK2)
- Breaker (Boosts)
- Breaker Bow
- Breakthrough
- Brocade scarf
- Broken armor
- Broken broadsword
- Broken firearm
- Broken haniwa
- Broken helmet
- Broken hero's spear
- Broken spear
- Bronze sword
- Brutebeast
- Bruteclaw
- Burning stone
- Butterfly Dance
- CON Master (Boosts)
- Cacarion
- Canidaemon
- Carcinus
- Carnage (Boosts)
- Cat's-eye
- Caterpillar fungus
- Caterwauler
- Cerberus
- Ceremonial Wingbow
- Ceremonial bowl
- Chacha
- Chain
- Chain & Sickle
- Chain & Sickle Weapon Tree (Age of Demons)
- Chain & Sickle Weapon Tree (Kiwami)
- Chain & Sickle Weapon Tree (TK2)
- Chain Whip
- Chain Whip Weapon Tree
- Chance
- Characters
- Charge
- Charity
- Cherry blossoms
- Chiba Sanako
- Chiba Shūsaku
- Chipped broadsword
- Chitose
- Chthonian Bow
- Chthonian Fiend
- Chthonian hornbit
- Chōsokabe Motochika
- Cimmerian King
- Cimmerian Queen
- Clam shell
- Club
- Club Weapon Tree (Kiwami)
- Club Weapon Tree (TK2)
- Colubra
- Complete Purity
- Concentration
- Confidence candy
- Confrontation
- Convergence
- Conviction
- Copper ore
- Corrosive stone
- Cosmos Sickle
- Council of Elders
- Courtesan's hairpin
- Crawler
- Creation Sickle
- Creationist compass
- Crepusculos
- Crest
- Crimson Fists
- Crimson Sickle
- Crimson crest
- Crimson lotus flower
- Crocodilus
- Cruspisces
- Cryptid bone
- DCT Master (Boosts)
- DEF Master (Boosts)
- Dark Aurwing
- Dark Blades
- Dark Imp
- Darkbow
- Date Masamune
- Deadwater Sickle
- Decorative hairpin
- Deep blue ore
- Deformed bone
- Deformed skin
- Demon Hand
- Demon King Sickle
- Demonbreaker arrow
- Demonlord Club
- Denmuramasa
- Desert rose
- Desperation
- Determination
- Devastation
- Devotion
- Diamond
- Diffusion (Boosts)
- Dimension Sickle
- Dissection (Focus)
- Dissection (Health)
- Divine Call Bow
- Divine Purity
- Divine agarwood
- Divine evergreen
- Divinewind Sickle
- Doman
- Dotaku bell
- Drakwing
- Dreadhalf
- Dreadknight
- Drill tooth
- Drumble
- Dual Knives
- Dust storm
- Earthfang
- Earthmother's wish
- Earthshaker
- Eastern cherry
- Ebullience
- Edax
- Eldritch lantern
- Elements
- En no Ozunu
- Energy (Boosts)
- Eruption (Boosts)
- Escort Duty
- Eternal ice
- Evasion
- Evening Calm Bow
- Evening star
- Evil shadow
- Exalted soul steel
- Exigency
- Expert Destroyer
- Exploding Fist
- Exploit
- Extinguishment
- Exuberance
- Eye of Truth mask
- Fabled Isle ore
- Fallen blossoms
- Falling Petals
- Fantastical claw
- Fantastical fang
- Fervor
- Final Heavenly Staff
- Final Ihotsumasakaki
- Final Inari Sickle
- Final Sacrosanct
- Final Swallow Dive
- Fine Shigedō Bow
- Fire flag
- Fire starter
- Firedragon breath
- Fireproof grass
- Firerat pelt
- Firetongue
- Fitness
- Five layered robes
- Flame of man's realm
- Flaming sword
- Flying Blade
- Fortification
- Fortitude
- Fortune (Boosts)
- Fountain (Boosts)
- Four Hidden Brothers
- Fox rice
- Fraternity
- Freshwind Bow
- Freshwind Naginata
- Freshwind Sickle
- Freshwind Sword
- From the Depths
- Frost branch
- Frostcrawler
- Frostfang
- Frostwing
- Fugaku
- Fujiwara no Hidesato
- Fukusuke doll
- Gauntlets
- Gauntlets Weapon Tree (Age of Demons)
- Gauntlets Weapon Tree (Kiwami)
- Gauntlets Weapon Tree (TK2)
- Gerontogeous steel
- Giant lotus leaf
- Gion no Nyogo
- Glaciabella
- Godbeast bone
- Golden grass
- Golden staff
- Goldentalon
- Gorgeous hood
- Gouge Master
- Gourgeous Tenko lunch
- Goylespawn
- Grand Shinobi Sickle
- Grass ring
- Great Ambition
- Great Chain & Sickle
- Great Teacher
- Greed
- Grimwater Sickle
- Guardian Tree
- Gwen
- Gymnast
- Gō
- HLG Master (Boosts)
- Hachikazuki
- Hachiman statue
- Hades drop
- Haku
- Haku Collector
- Haku Enthusiast
- Happiness candy
- Hardened plant
- Hardwood root
- Harrowhalf
- Hasegawa Heizō
- Hatsu
- Hatsuho
- Hattori Hanzō
- Haunted lantern