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Wow, that's a big one. — Spider Web Woman
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Everything you say feels so distant to me.Kuyō
The game or media this article is about was never released in English, and most of the information here was likely directly translated from Japanese. This may also make it harder for non-Japanese people to add information to this page.
Reason: The Famitsu DLC missions are, as usual, only available in Japan and don't have official English names.

Chapter 8[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
C8-M1 Red Zone Rescue - Honor Age of Honor 60 Haku10200 Secure 3 red zones.
C8-M2 Northern Exposure Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku10500 Slay 1 Mynx. Obtainable Mitama: Yaoya Oshichi (Mynx)
C8-M3 The Demonic Messenger Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku10500 Slay 1 Screecher. Obtainable Mitama: Lady Kushinada (Screecher)
C8-M4 The Demon Spider Cometh Surrounds 60 Haku10200 Slay 1 Manhunter. Obtainable Mitama: Aterui (Manhunter)
C8-M5 Tempest Amidst the Trees Age of Honor 60 Haku10200 Slay 1 Windshredder. Obtainable Mitama: Kamo no Chōmei (Windshredder)
C8-M6 Death at First Bite Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku10500 Slay 1 Phytodior. Obtainable Mitama: Yamana Sōzen (Phytodior)
C8-M7 Tengu Rising Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku10500 Slay 1 Bladewing.
C8-M8 Mynx Hunt Age of Peace 60 Haku10800 Slay 1 Mynx.
C8-M9 The Crimson Tortoise Surrounds 60 Haku10800 Slay 1 Hell's Sentinel. Obtainable Mitama: Minamoto no Yorimasa (Hell's Sentinel)
C8-M10 Raging Winds Age of Chaos 60 Haku11100 Slay 1 Mynx and 1 Phytodior.

Chapter 9[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
C9-M1 Slayers on Patrol - Part 1 Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku11400 Slay 1 Pyropteryx.
C9-M2 Slayers on Patrol - Part 2 Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku11400 Slay 1 Terragrinder.
C9-M3 Down the Demon Hole Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku10500 Defeat the Oni horde.
C9-M4 Chop 'n' Maul Anomaly (Chaos) 7 Haku10500 Slay 30 Frostfangs. *Oni remains will disappear immediately.
C9-M5 The Terrible Tortoise Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku13500 Slay 1 Hell's Warden. Obtainable Mitama: Kondō Isami (Hell's Warden)
C9-M6 In Our Time of Need Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku11700 Slay 1 Putrox. Obtainable Mitama: Serizawa Kamo (Putrox)
C9-M7 Snow Expedition - Part 1 Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku11700 Slay 1 Abyssal Fiend.
C9-M8 Snow Expedition - Part 2 Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku11700 Slay 1 Sableblade.
C9-M9 Snow Expedition - Part 3 Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku11700 Slay 1 Venom Queen.
C9-M10 Frozen Tundra Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku12000 Slay 1 Glaciabella. Obtainable Mitama: Iwakura Tomomi (Glaciabella)

Chapter 10[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
C10-M1 Screecher Hunt Age of Yore 40 Haku12300 Slay 1 Screecher.
C10-M2 Lair of the White Spider Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku12600 Slay 1 Bloodhunter and 1 Phytodior.
C10-M3 Reaching for the Skies Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku12600 Slay 1 Putrox.
C10-M4 Hundred Demon Corps - Pt 1 Age of Grace 60 Haku12600 Slay 5 Crawlers. A Harrowhalf will also appear nearby.
C10-M5 Hundred Demon Corps - Pt 2 Age of Peace 60 Haku12600 Slay 5 Thorntongues. A Viper Queen will also appear nearby.
C10-M6 To the Barrier Stone Cave Age of Chaos 60 Haku12900 Slay 1 Glaciabella.
C10-M7 Wild Tiger Hunt Surrounds 15 Haku13500 Slay 1 Windshredder.
C10-M8 Walking the Path Surrounds 60 Haku11700 Secure 3 red zones.
C10-M9 The 16th Promise Anomaly (War) 30 Haku12900 Slay 1 Petros. Obtainable Mitama: Kuroda Kanbei (Petros)
C10-M10 Night of the 100 Demons Pt 1 Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku12600 Slay 1 Edax and 1 Putrox.
C10-M11 Night of the 100 Demons Pt 2 Anomaly (War) 60 Haku12600 Slay 1 Pyropteryx and 1 Screecher.
C10-M12 Night of the 100 Demons Pt 3 Age of Yore 60 Haku12600 Slay 1 Glaciabella.
C10-M13 The Veteran Blade Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku12900 Slay 1 Thanatoceros. Obtainable Mitama: Usui no Sadamitsu (Thanatoceros)
C10-M14 The Valley of Death Surrounds 60 Haku12000 Defend Utakata Village.
(Slay 1 Manhunter, 1 Mynx and 1 Chthonian Fiend.)
Obtainable Mitama: Miyamoto Musashi (Chthonian Fiend)
C10-M15 Brothers in Arms Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku13200 Slay 1 Maledictaur. Obtainable Mitama: Hasegawa Heizō (Maledictaur)

Chapter 11[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
C11-M1 Petros Hunt Age of War 40 Haku13200 Slay 1 Petros.
C11-M2 The Gathering Menace Anomaly (War) 60 Haku13200 Slay 1 Frostwing.
C11-M3 Otherworldly Discord Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku13200 Slay 1 Screecher.
C11-M4 Thanatoceros Hunt Age of Grace 40 Haku13500 Slay 1 Thanatoceros.
C11-M5 Burning Brightly Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku13500 Slay 1 Skyshredder.
C11-M6 Memory Quest - Dannoura Age of Honor 60 Haku13800 Slay 1 Jollux. Obtainable Mitama: Ashikaga Takauji (Jollux)
C11-M7 Memory Quest - Sekigahara Age of War 60 Haku13800 Slay 1 Harrowhalf.
C11-M8 Memory Quest - Goryōkaku Age of Chaos 60 Haku13800 Slay 1 Viper Queen.
C11-M9 Sheer Brutality Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku14400 Slay 1 Onyxwing. Obtainable Mitama: Ariwara no Narihira (Onyxwing)
C11-M10 Maledictaur Hunt Age of Peace 40 Haku14400 Slay 1 Maledictaur.
C11-M11 The Golden Bird Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku13500 Slay 1 Astrapteryx. Obtainable Mitama: Lady Fuse (Astrapteryx)
C11-M12 Fire in the Frost Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku13500 Slay 1 Pyrogrinder. Obtainable Mitama: Ōkita Sōji (Pyrogrinder)
C11-M13 A Well Coordinated Raid Surrounds 60 Haku14700 Slay 1 Glaciabella and 1 Maledictaur. Obtainable Mitama: Kusumoto Ine (Glaciabella)
C11-M14 Raining Cats and Dogs Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku14700 Slay 1 Mynx and 1 Thanatoceros. Obtainable Mitama: Fujiwara no Yorimichi (Mynx)
C11-M15 Dread Castle Anomaly (War) 60 Haku13800 Slay 1 Dreadhalf.
C11-M16 Onyxwing Hunt Age of Grace 40 Haku14700 Slay 1 Onyxwing.
C11-M17 Raging Billows Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku14700 Slay 1 Nightblade and 1 Petros.
C11-M18 A Race to the Death Age of War 60 Haku14700 Slay 1 Hell's Warden and 1 Thanatoceros.
C11-M19 Infernal Soldiers Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku14700 Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend and 1 Maledictaur.
C11-M20 A Daring Rescue Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku15000 Slay 1 ????. Obtainable Mitama: Fujiwara no Hidehira (????)

Chapter 12[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
C12-M1 Seeking Signs - Part 1 Age of War 60 Haku15000 Slay 1 Phlogistor.
C12-M2 Seeking Signs - Part 2 Age of Yore 60 Haku15000 Slay 1 Panthera.
C12-M3 Seeking Signs - Part 3 Age of Honor 60 Haku15300 Slay 1 Edax and 1 Petros.
C12-M4 Seeking Signs - Part 4 Age of Peace 60 Haku15300 Slay 1 Snowflame.
C12-M5 Seeking Signs - Part 5 Age of Grace 60 Haku15600 Slay 1 Screecher and 1 Onyxwing.
C12-M6 Seeking Signs - Part 6 Surrounds 60 Haku12000 Secure 4 red zones.
C12-M7 Phoenix in the Flames Age of Grace 60 Haku16200 Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend and 1 Snowflame.
C12-M8 Ushers of Chaos Age of Chaos 60 Haku15900 Slay 1 Putrox and 1 Glaciabella
C12-M9 The Red and the Green Age of War 60 Haku15900 Slay 1 Phytodior and 1 Phlogistor
C12-M10 Lurking in the Darkness Age of Yore 60 Haku15900 Slay 1 Mynx and 1 Panthera.
C12-M11 Dragged down to the Depths Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku17400 Slay 1 Snowflame. It will enter a rampage as soon as the battle starts.
C12-M12 Purging the Path Surrounds 60 Haku17400 Slay 1 Petros, 1 Terragrinder and 1 Thanatoceros.
C12-M13 Conjoined Souls - Part 1 Temporal Schism 60 Haku16500 Slay 1 Jollux.
C12-M14 Conjoined Souls - Part 2 Temporal Schism 60 Haku16500 Slay 1 Bladewing.
C12-M15 Conjoined Souls - Part 3 Temporal Schism 60 Haku16500 Slay 1 Nightblade.
C12-M16 Conjoined Souls - Part 4 Temporal Schism 60 Haku16500 Slay 1 Maledictaur.
C12-M17 Conjoined Souls - Part 5 Temporal Schism 60 Haku16500 Slay 1 Onyxwing.
C12-M18 Conjoined Souls - Part 6 Temporal Schism 60 Haku16500 Slay 1 Snowflame.
C12-M19 Journey's End Beyond the Known 60 Haku18000 Slay 1 Metagnost.
C12-M20 Two Kings Age of War 60 Haku18600 Slay 1 Cimmerian King and 1 Amaranthine King
C12-M21 Journey's End (Solo) Surrounds 60 Haku19500 Slay 1 Metagnost.

Chapter 13[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
C13-M1 Age Exploration - Yore Age of Yore 60 Haku3000 Find and use 3 prayer stones
C13-M2 Age Exploration - Grace Age of Grace 60 Haku3000 Find and use 3 prayer stones
C13-M3 Age Exploration - Honor Age of Honor 60 Haku3000 Find and use 3 prayer stones
C13-M4 Age Exploration - War Age of War 60 Haku3000 Find and use 3 prayer stones
C13-M5 Age Exploration - Peace Age of Peace 60 Haku3000 Find and use 3 prayer stones
C13-M6 Age Exploration - Chaos Age of Chaos 60 Haku3000 Find and use 3 prayer stones
C13-M7 Age Exploration - Village Surrounds 60 Haku3000 Find and use 3 prayer stones
C13-M8 Spider in the Depths Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku16200 Slay 1 Manhunter.
C13-M9 A Powerful Gale Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku16500 Slay 1 Windshredder.
C13-M10 An Insatiable Appetite Anomaly (War) 60 Haku16500 Slay 1 Jollux.
C13-M11 Speed and Power Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku16800 Slay 1 Mynx.
C13-M12 Venomous by Nature Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku16800 Slay 1 Phytodior.
C13-M13 The Unending Melody Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku16800 Slay 1 Screecher
C13-M14 Twin Arachnids Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku17400 Slay 2 Manhunters.
C13-M15 Transient Winds Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku17700 Slay 1 Windshreddeer and 1 Skyshredder.
C13-M16 Mountainous Roar Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku17700 Slay 1 Jollux and 1 Edax.
C13-M17 Death's Scythe Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku17400 Slay 1 Bloodhunter.
C13-M18 A Liitle Slice of Heaven Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku17700 Slay 1 Skyshredder.
C13-M19 Impeding Progress Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku17700 Slay 1 Edax.
C13-M20 Wild and Free Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku18300 Slay 1 Panthera.
C13-M21 The Tree of Flames Anomaly (War) 60 Haku18300 Slay 1 Phlogistor.
C13-M22 Bird of Prey Age of Peace 60 Haku18300 Slay 1 Caterwauler
C13-M23 Pure Pandemonium Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku18600 Slay 1 Screecher and 1 Caterwauler.
C13-M24 Defending the Village Surrounds 60 Haku18900 Slay 1 Manhunter, 1 Windshredder and 1 Jollux.
C13-M25 The Demon's Castle Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku18900 Slay 1 Bloodhunter, 1 Jollux and 1 Screecher.
C13-M26 Red & Green Revisited Surrounds 60 Haku19200 Slay 1 Phytodior and 1 Phlogistor.
C13-M27 Talons of Terror Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku19500 Slay 1 Windshredder, 1 Skyshredder, 1 Mynx and 1 Panthera.
C13-M28 The Rolling Stone Age of Honor 60 Haku18900 Slay 1 Anomalos.
C13-M29 Invitation to a Nightmare Age of Grace 60 Haku19800 Slay 1 Cacarion.
C13-M30 Breaking Point Age of Yore 60 Haku20700 Slay 1 Snowflame.
C13-M31 Demons through the Ages Age of War 60 Haku20700 Slay 1 Phlogistor, 1 Manhunter, 1 Mynx and 1 Chthonian Fiend.
C13-M32 The Ultimate Challenge Surrounds 60 Haku21000 Slay 1 Screecher, 1 Chthonian Fiend, 1 Anomalos and 1 Snowflame.

Note: new missions have been added to Phases 8, 9 and 10, between the original missions.

Phase 8[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
P8-M18 Cloaked by the Wind Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku6900 Slay 1 Mynx. Obtainable Mitama: Yaoya Oshichi (Mynx)
P8-M19 Darkness Descends Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku6900 Slay 1 Screecher. Obtainable Mitama: Lady Kushinada (Screecher)

Phase 9[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
P9-M20 Poisonous Bite Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku7500 Slay 1 Phytodior.
P9-M21 The Demon Rises Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku7500 Slay 1 Putrox.
P9-M22 The Frozen Temptress Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku7500 Slay 1 Glaciabella.
P9-M23 Catnip Anomaly (Peace) 12 Haku7980 Slay 1 Mynx.
P9-M24 The Sound of Silence Anomaly (Yore) 12 Haku7980 Slay 1 Screecher.

Phase 10[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
P10-M18 A Hulking Behemoth Anomaly (War) 60 Haku9000 Slay 1 Petros.
P10-M19 The Veteran Blade Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku9000 Slay 1 Thanatoceros.
P10-M20 The Bovine Tormentor Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku9000 Slay 1 Maledictaur.
P10-M21 Who's the Moss? Anomaly (Honor) 12 Haku9300 Slay 1 Phytodior.
P10-M22 Solitary Confinement Anomaly (Chaos) 12 Haku9300 Slay 1 Putrox.
P10-M23 Day of Reckoning Anomaly (Chaos) 12 Haku9300 Slay 1 Glaciabella.

Phase 11[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
P11-M1 Putrox Hunt Age of Chaos 40 Haku10200 Slay 1 Putrox.
P11-M2 Phytodior Hunt Age of War 40 Haku10800 Slay 2 Phytodiors.
P11-M3 Beneath the Sands Age of Yore 60 Haku10200 Slay 1 Glaciabella.
P11-M4 Winds of Venom Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku11100 Slay 1 Mynx and 1 Phytodior.
P11-M5 On the Prowl Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku10500 Slay 1 Onyxwing.
P11-M6 Bathed in Blood Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku10500 Slay 1 Panthera.
P11-M7 Antagonistic Intentions Anomaly (War) 60 Haku10500 Slay 1 Phlogistor.
P11-M8 Heaven & Earth Age of Chaos 10 Haku8100 Slay 25 Aurwings and 25 Earthfangs.
P11-M9 Beyond the Grave Age of Peace 60 Haku11400 Slay 1 Jollux and 1 Putrox.
P11-M10 Raging Billows Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku11400 Slay 1 Nightblade and 1 Petros.
P11-M11 Infernal Soldiers Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku11400 Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend and 1 Maledictaur.
P11-M12 A Race to the Death Anomaly (War) 60 Haku11400 Slay 1 Hell's Warden and 1 Thanatoceros.
P11-M13 Birds of Chaos Age of War 60 Haku11400 Slay 1 Bladewing and 1 Onyxwing.
P11-M14 Rolling Mass Anomaly (War) 15 Haku11700 Slay 1 Petros.
P11-M15 The Jeweled Blade Anomaly (Grace) 15 Haku11700 Slay 1 Thanatoceros.
P11-M16 Bull Headed Anomaly (Peace) 15 Haku11700 Slay 1 Maledictaur.
P11-M17 Tusk Before Dawn Anomaly (Grace) 15 Haku11700 Slay 1 Onyxwing.
P11-M18 Raining Cats and Dogs Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku11700 Slay 1 Mynx and 1 Thanatoceros.
P11-M19 Gazing into the Crater Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku11700 Slay 1 Screecher and 1 Frostwing.
P11-M20 A Well Coordinated Raid Surrounds 60 Haku11700 Slay 1 Glaciabella and 1 Maledictaur.
P11-M21 The Sunken Oni Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku12000 Slay 1 Snowflame.

Phase 12[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
P12-M1 Destroyer of Peace Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku12000 Slay 1 Snowflame.
P12-M2 Bump in the Night Age of Peace 60 Haku12300 Slay 1 Pyropteryx and 1 Phytodior.
P12-M3 The Three Hunters Age of Grace 60 Haku12600 Slay 1 Windshredder, 1 Skyshredder and 1 Onyxwing.
P12-M4 The Red and the Green Anomaly (War) 60 Haku12450 Slay 1 Phytodior and 1 Phlogistor.
P12-M5 Lurking in the Darkness Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku12450 Slay 1 Mynx and 1 Panthera.
P12-M6 War is Shell Age of Honor 60 Haku12450 Slay 1 Edax and 1 Petros
P12-M7 Phoenix in the Flames Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku12450 Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend and 1 Snowflame.
P12-M8 Dragged Down to the Depths Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku12600 Slay 1 Snowflame.
P12-M9 Ushers of Chaos Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku13200 Slay 1 Putrox and 1 Glaciabella.
P12-M10 Guardians at the Gate Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku13200 Slay 1 Hell's Sentinel and 1 Petros.
P12-M11 Birds in the Cage Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku13200 Slay 1 Screecher and 1 Onyxwing.
P12-M12 Cows and Demons Age of Peace 60 Haku13200 Slay 1 Manhunter, 1 Bloodhunter and 1 Maledictaur.
P12-M13 Tails on Fire Anomaly (Honor) 15 Haku13500 Slay 1 Snowflame.
P12-M14 Alpha & Omega Age of Grace 60 Haku14100 Slay 2 Thanatoceroses.
P12-M15 Northern Leaders Surrounds 60 Haku13800 Slay 1 Maledictaur, 1 Petros and 1 Onyxwing.
P12-M16 The Impending Storm Surrounds 60 Haku14400 Secure 4 red zones.
(Slay 1 Phlogistor, 1 Putrox, 1 Snowflame and 1 Panthera.)
P12-M17 Oni Pursuit - Village Surrounds 60 Haku14400 Slay 1 Pyrogrinder, 1 Astrapteryx, 1 Dreadhalf and 1 Venom Queen.
P12-M18 Seeking Signs - Yore Age of Yore 60 Haku14400 Slay 1 Screecher, 1 Terragrinder, 1 Mynx and 1 Thanatoceros.
P12-M19 A Worthy Challenge Surrounds 60 Haku14400 Slay 1 Viper Queen, 1 Harrowhalf, 1 Sableblade and 1 Glaciabella.
P12-M20 Incomparable Strength Anomaly (War) 15 Haku14700 Slay 1 Manhunter and 1 Amaranthine King.
P12-M21 Journey's End Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku15000 Slay 1 Metagnost.
P12-M22 Transcendence Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku16500 Slay 1 Cimmerian King and 1 Metagnost.

Phase 13[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
P13-M1 Spider in the Depths Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku15000 Slay 1 Manhunter.
P13-M2 A Powerful Gale Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku15300 Slay 1 Windshredder.
P13-M3 An Insatiable Appetite Anomaly (War) 60 Haku15300 Slay 1 Jollux.
P13-M4 Speed and Power Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku15600 Slay 1 Mynx.
P13-M5 Venomous by Nature Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku15600 Slay 1 Phytodior.
P13-M6 The Unending Melody Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku15600 Slay 1 Screecher.
P13-M7 Twin Arachnids Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku16200 Slay 2 Manhunters.
P13-M8 Transient Winds Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku16500 Slay 1 Windshredder and 1 Skyshredder.
P13-M9 Mountainous Roar Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku16500 Slay 1 Jollux and 1 Edax.
P13-M10 Death's Scythe Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku16200 Slay 1 Bloodhunter.
P13-M11 A Little Slice of Heaven Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku16500 Slay 1 Skyshredder.
P13-M12 Impeding Progress Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku16500 Slay 1 Edax.
P13-M13 Wild and Free Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku16800 Slay 1 Panthera.
P13-M14 The Tree of Flames Anomaly (War) 60 Haku16800 Slay 1 Phlogistor.
P13-M15 Bird of Prey Age of Peace 60 Haku16800 Slay 1 Caterwauler.
P13-M16 Pure Pandemonium Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku17100 Slay 1 Screecher and 1 Caterwauler.
P13-M17 Village Defense - Part 1 Surrounds 60 Haku17400 Slay 1 Manhunter, 1 Windshredder and 1 Jollux.
P13-M18 The Demon's Castle Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku17400 Slay 1 Bloodhunter, 1 Jollux and 1 Screecher.
P13-M19 Green & Red Revisited Surrounds 60 Haku17700 Slay 2 Phytodiors and 2 Phlogistors.
P13-M20 Talons of Terror Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku18000 Slay 1 Windshredder, 1 Skyshredder, 1 Mynx and 1 Panthera.
P13-MM21 The Rolling Stone Age of Honor 60 Haku17400 Slay 1 Anomalos.
P13-MM22 Invitation to a Nightmare Age of Grace 60 Haku17400 Slay 1 Cacarion.

Phase 14[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
P14-M1 On Wings of Crimson Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku17400 Slay 1 Pyropteryx.
P14-M2 Glacial Grinder Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku17400 Slay 1 Terragrinder.
P14-M3 Fire & Ice Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku17400 Slay 1 Harrowhalf.
P14-M4 Storm of the Century Age of Yore 60 Haku17700 Slay 1 Manhunter and 1 Terragrinder.
P14-M5 Arms of Iron Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku17700 Slay 1 Harrowhalf and 1 Anomalos.
P14-M6 Flames in the Snow Age of Chaos 60 Haku17700 Slay 1 Pyropteryx and 1 Pyrogrinder.
P14-M7 Boiling Point Surrounds 60 Haku17700 Slay 2 Harrowhalfs and 1 Dreadhalf.
P14-M8 The Bottomless Sky Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku17400 Slay 1 Astrapteryx.
P14-M9 Crimson Shock Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku17400 Slay 1 Pyrogrinder.
P14-M10 Here Comes Trouble Anomaly (War) 60 Haku17400 Slay 1 Dreadhalf.
P14-M11 The Demonic Mermaid Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku17700 Slay 1 Glaciabella.
P14-M12 Piling Bodies Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku17700 Slay 1 Putrox.
P14-M13 Demonic Strength Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku17700 Slay 1 Maledictaur.
P14-M14 Hell's Prison Age of Peace 60 Haku18000 Slay 1 Maledictaur and 1 Cacarion.
P14-M15 The Noble Yatagarasu Anomaly (War) 60 Haku17700 Slay 1 Pyropteryx, 1 Astrapteryx and 1 Caterwauler.
P14-M16 The Collapsing Cave Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku17700 Slay 2 Terragrinders and 1 Pyrogrinder.
P14-M17 Sheer Gluttony Anomaly (War) 60 Haku17700 Slay 1 Bloodhunter, 1 Astrapteryx and 1 Dreadhalf.
P14-M18 Big Boys Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku17700 Slay 1 Jollux, 1 Edax and 1 Putrox.
P14-M19 A Sea of Clouds Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku18000 Slay 1 Bloodhunter, 1 Phlogistor and 1 Glaciabella.
P14-M20 Up from the Depths Surrounds 60 Haku18000 Slay 1 Terragrinder, 1 Putrox and 1 Anomalos.
P14-M21 Lady of the Night Age of Yore 60 Haku18000 Slay 1 Mortabella.
P14-M22 Curtain of the Night Age of War 60 Haku18000 Slay 1 Stealthwing.

Phase 15[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
P15-M1 Princess of Pain Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku17700 Slay 1 Viper Queen.
P15-M2 The Tengu of Devastation Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku17700 Slay 1 Bladewing.
P15-M3 Infernal Lord Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku17700 Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend.
P15-M4 Bringing Down the Hammer Anomaly (War) 60 Haku17850 Slay 1 Petros.
P15-M5 An Inescapable Blade Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku17850 Slay 1 Thanatoceros.
P15-M6 The Source of the Pain Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku18300 Slay 1 Phytodior and 1 Viper Queen.
P15-M7 A Shot in the Dark Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku18300 Slay 1 Bladewing and 1 Stealthwing.
P15-M8 Big Trouble Anomaly (War) 60 Haku18300 Slay 1 Edax and 1 Harrowhalf.
P15-M9 Pick Your Poison Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku18300 Slay 1 Manhunter and 1 Glaciabella.
P15-M10 Trouble in Paradise Age of Grace 60 Haku18600 Slay 1 Skyshredder, 1 Terragrinder and 1 Thanatoceros.
P15-M11 Gone Like the Wind Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku18300 Slay 1 Venom Queen.
P15-M12 Frostbitten, Twice Shy Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku18300 Slay 1 Frostwing.
P15-M13 Demonic Fury Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku18300 Slay 1 Abyssal Fiend.
P15-M14 The Serpentine Waltz Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku18450 Slay 2 Viper Queens and 1 Venom Queen.
P15-M15 Snowball Fight Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku18450 Slay 2 Bladewings and 1 Frostwing.
P15-M16 Red & Blue Revenge Age of Honor 60 Haku18450 Slay 2 Chthonian Fiends and 1 Abyssal Fiend.
P15-M17 Turbulence Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku18900 Slay 1 Venom Queen, 1 Frostwing and 1 Thanatoceros.
P15-M18 Patrolling the Roads Surrounds 60 Haku18900 Secure 3 red zones. (Slay 1 Astrapteryx, 1 Windshredder and 1 Panthera.)
P15-M19 Bringers of Chaos Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku18900 Slay 1 Abyssal Fiend, 1 Putrox and 1 Mortabella.
P15-M20 Total Collapse Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku19200 Slay 2 Petroses and 1 Anomalos.
P15-M21 Village Defense - Part 2 Surrounds 60 Haku19200 Slay 1 Pyrogrinder, 1 Edax, 1 Bladewing and 1 Chthonian Fiend.
P15-M22 Frozen Deity Age of Chaos 60 Haku18900 Slay 1 Nightstorm.

Phase 16[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
P16-M1 Guardian of the Peak Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku18900 Slay 1 Hell's Warden.
P16-M2 From the Bottom Up Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku18900 Slay 1 Nightblade.
P16-M3 The Ultimate Demon Anomaly (War) 60 Haku18900 Slay 1 Cimmerian King.
P16-M4 An Unending Bloodbath Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku18900 Slay 1 Onyxwing.
P16-M5 Latent Inferno Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku18900 Slay 1 Snowflame.
P16-M6 Armored to the Teeth Age of Peace 60 Haku18600 Slay 1 Viper Queen and 1 Hell's Warden.
P16-M7 Spiral into Evil Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku18600 Slay 1 Nightblade and 1 Glaciabella.
P16-M8 The Oni to Lead All Oni Anomaly (War) 60 Haku19200 Slay 1 Maledictaur and 1 Cimmerian King.
P16-M9 Unexpected Visitors Age of Honor 60 Haku18900 Slay 1 Onyxwing and 1 Thanatoceros.
P16-M10 I Got 99 Oni Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku18900 Slay 1 Snowflame and 1 Nightstorm.
P16-M11 The Ultimate Obstacle Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku18900 Slay 1 Hell's Sentinel.
P16-M12 Total Abomination Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku18900 Slay 1 Sableblade.
P16-M13 One King to Rule Them All Anomaly (War) 60 Haku19500 Slay 1 Amaranthine King.
P16-M14 Snowy Mount Age of Chaos 60 Haku19800 Slay 2 Hell's Wardens and 1 Hell's Sentinel.
P16-M15 Lord of the Miasma Age of Yore 60 Haku19800 Slay 2 Nightblades and 1 Sableblade.
P16-M16 The Talented Master Oni Surrounds 60 Haku19200 Slay 1 Venom Queen, 1 Hell's Sentinel, 1 Sableblade and 1 Petros.
P16-M17 A Tale of Two Kings Surrounds 60 Haku19200 Slay 1 Cimmerian King and 1 Amaranthine King.
P16-M18 A Fiery Feast Age of War 60 Haku19200 Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend and 1 Snowflame.
P16-M19 Winds of Change Age of Grace 60 Haku19200 Slay 1 Dreadhalf, 1 Bladewing and 1 Amaranthine King.
P16-M20 Any Way the Wing Blows Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku19500 Slay 1 Pyropteryx, 1 Astrapteryx, 1 Onyxwing and 1 Stealthwing.
P16-M21 Village Defense - Part 3 Surrounds 60 Haku19500 Slay 1 Frostwing, 1 Mynx, 1 Cacation and 1 Nightstorm.
P16-M22 A Transcendent Oni Beyond the Known 60 Haku19500 Slay 1 Metagnost.

Phase 17[]

Name Location Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
P17-M1 Animus Strike - Yore Age of Yore 60 Haku19500 Slay 1 Screecher, 1 Panthera and 1 Mortabella.
P17-M2 Animus Strike - Grace Age of Grace 60 Haku19500 Slay 1 Thanatoceros, 1 Onyxwing and 1 Cacarion.
P17-M3 Animus Strike - Honor Age of Honor 60 Haku19500 Slay 1 Phytodior, 1 Snowflame and 1 Anomalos.
P17-M4 Animus Strike - War Age of War 60 Haku19500 Slay 1 Petros, 1 Phlogistor and 1 Stealthwing.
P17-M5 Animus Strike - Peace Age of Peace 60 Haku19500 Slay 1 Mynx, 1 Maledictaur and 1 Caterwauler.
P17-M6 Animus Strike - Chaos Age of Chaos 60 Haku19500 Slay 1 Putrox, 1 Glaciabella and 1 Nightstorm.
P17-M7 Invasion from Above Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku19650 Slay 1 Pyrogrinder, 1 Snowflame and 1 Onyxwing.
P17-M8 Four Heads & Five Tails Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku19650 Slay 1 Windshredder, 1 Nightblade, 1 Hell's Warden and 1 Nightstorm.
P17-M9 Much Ado About Nothing Surrounds 60 Haku19650 Slay 1 Jollux, 1 Dreadhalf, 1 Nightblade and 1 Petros.
P17-M10 Behind the Scenes Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku19650 Slay 1 Viper Queen, 1 Mynx, 1 Screecher and 1 Mortabella.
P17-M11 The Oni Showdown Surrounds 60 Haku19650 Slay 1 Abyssal Fiend, 1 Hell's Sentinel, 1 Sableblade and 1 Cimmerian King.
P17-M12 Heaven Sent Surrounds 60 Haku19800 Slay 1 Screecher, 1 Skyshredder, 1 Panthera and 1 Metagnost.
P17-M13 Raining Death Surrounds 60 Haku19800 Slay 1 Pyropteryx, 1 Caterwauler, 1 Frostwing and 1 Stealthwing.
P17-M14 The Demon Temptress Surrounds 60 Haku19800 Slay 1 Viper Queen, 1 Venom Queen, 1 Glaciabella and 1 Mortabella.
P17-M15 Changing of the Guard Anomaly (War) 60 Haku20400 Slay 1 Crepusculos.
P17-M16 Across Time & Space Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku20700 Slay 1 Metagnost and 1 Crepusculos.
P17-M17 Four Fiends Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku20700 Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend, 1 Maledictaur, 1 Abyssal Fiend and 1 Cacarion.
P17-M18 Oni Medley Surrounds 60 Haku20700 Slay 1 Bloodhunter, 1 Mynx, 1 Hell's Warden and 1 Thanatoceros.
P17-M19 Showdown With the Animi Surrounds 60 Haku20700 Slay 1 Maledictaur, 1 Onyxwing, 1 Snowflame and 1 Crepusculos.
P17-M20 The Ultimate Challenge Beyond the Known 60 Haku21000 Slay 1 Cimmerian King, 1 Metagnos, 1 Amaranthine King and 1 Crepusculos.

DLC (Version 1.0.3)[]

Name Age Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
DLCU-M1 Snake Princess of Chaos Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku18000 Slay 1 Snaggwen.
DLCU-M2 Striking Phenomena Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku18000 Slay 1 Venom Queen and 1 Snaggwen.
DLCU-M3 The Root of Evil Age of Grace 60 Haku18000 Slay 1 Thanatoceros and 1 Snaggwen.
DLCU-M4 The Queen Awakens Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku19500 Slay 1 Cimmerian Queen.
DLCU-M5 The Royal Family Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku19500 Slay 1 Amaranthine King and 1 Cimmerian Queen.
DLCU-M6 A Challenge Made Age of Honor 60 Haku19500 Slay 1 Panthera, 1 Caterwauler, 1 Mortabella and 1 Cimmerian Queen.
DLCU-M7 The Evil Emperor Surrounds 60 Haku21000 Slay 1 Dreadknight.
DLCU-M8 The Miasmatic Cloud Surrounds 60 Haku21000 Slay 1 Dreadhalf and 1 Dreadknight.
DLCU-M9 The Emperor's Downfall Surrounds 60 Haku21000 Slay 1 Cimmerian King, 1 Metagnost and 1 Dreadknight.


Name Age Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
DLC-M1 Demented Daruma Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku13200 Slay 1 Petros. *It is wounded, so it is more ferocious than usual.
Unlocked after completing Phase 8.
DLC-M2 Indellible Traces Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku13200 Slay 1 Onyxwing. *It is wounded, so it is more ferocious than usual.
Unlocked after completing Phase 8.
DLC-M3 Chaos in the Gloaming Surrounds 7 Haku9999 Slay 2 Shadow Souls and 2 Umbrapods. *Many Oni invisible without the Eye of Truth will appear.
A Mynx will also appear in zone 4.
DLC-M4 Flurry of Blows Age of Chaos 10 Haku12000 Slay 1 Putrox. Unlocked after completing Phase 8.
DLC-M5 Web of Fire Anomaly (War) 30 Haku14100 Slay 1 Manhunter and 1 Phlogistor. Unlocked after completing Phase 8.
DLC-M6 The Madding Crowd Anomaly (Yore) 30 Haku18000 Slay 1 Hell's Sentinel and 1 Thanatoceros. *They are wounded, so they are more ferocious than usual.
DLC-M7 Dancing Sands Age of Yore 12 Haku15000 Slay 30 Thorntongues and 1 Glaciabella. *The remains of smaller Oni will disappear immediately.
DLC-M8 Avian Avenger Age of Grace 40 Haku17100 Slay 1 Caterwauler and 1 Cacarion. *They are wounded, so they are more ferocious than usual.
DLC-M9 The Mighty Scythe Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku13200 Slay 1 Bloodhunter. *It has been hardened by the effects of the miasma.
DLC-M10 Gut Out of Control Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku13200 Slay 1 Jollux. *It has been quickened by the effects of the miasma.
DLC-M11 Wings of Mass Destruction Age of Peace 60 Haku18000 Slay 1 Bladewing. *It has been hardened by the effects of the miasma.
DLC-M12 Twister of Timelines Beyond the Known 60 Haku18000 Slay 1 Metagnost. *It has been quickened by the effects of the miasma.
DLC-M13 The Iron Hunter Age of War 60 Haku13200 Slay 1 Windshredder. *It has been hardened by the effects of the miasma.
DLC-M14 Bathed in Miasma Age of Yore 60 Haku13200 Slay 1 Harrowhalf. *It has been quickened by the effects of the miasma.
DLC-M15 As Hot As They Come Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku18000 Slay 1 Chthonian Fiend. *It has been hardened by the effects of the miasma.
DLC-M16 Douse the Flames! Age of Honor 60 Haku18000 Slay 1 Snowflame. *It has been quickened by the effects of the miasma.
DLC-M17 Burning Shockwaves Age of Yore 60 Haku13200 Slay 1 Pyrogrinder. *It has been hardened by the effects of the miasma.
DLC-M18 Writhing Watersnakes Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku13200 Slay 1 Viper Queen. *It has been quickened by the effects of the miasma.
DLC-M19 Unrepetant Atrocity Age of War 60 Haku18000 Slay 1 Sableblade. *It has been hardened by the effects of the miasma.
DLC-M11 Too Swift a Conclusion Age of Chaos 60 Haku18000 Slay 1 Cimmerian King. *It has been quickened by the effects of the miasma.
DLC-M21 All That Glitters Surrounds 30 Haku14100 Secure 3 red zones. (Slay 1 Terragrinder, 1 Pyrogrinder and 1 Aurogrinder.)
DLC-M22 Transformations Awry Anomaly (Honor) 40 Haku19200 Slay 1 Anomalos and 1 Stealthwing. *The Anomalos has been hardened and the Stealthwing has been quickened by miasma.
DLC-M23 Obilterate Evil - Grace Anomaly (Grace) 60 Haku15000 Slay 1 Bloodhunter and 1 Harrowhalf. *They have been enraged due to the miasma.
DLC-M24 Obilterate Evil - Peace Anomaly (Peace) 60 Haku15000 Slay 1 Skyshredder and 1 Bladewing. *They have been enraged due to the miasma.
DLC-M25 Exterminate Evil - Grace Age of Grace 60 Haku23400 Slay 2 Manhunters, 1 Bladewing and 1 Snaggwen. *They have been enraged due to the miasma.
DLC-M26 Exterminate Evil - Peace Age of Peace 60 Haku23400 Slay 1 Pyropteryx, 1 Frostwing and 1 Maledictaur. *They have been enraged due to the miasma.
DLC-M27 Obilterate Evil - Honor Anomaly (Honor) 60 Haku15000 Slay 1 Edax and 1 Chthonian Fiend. *They have been enraged due to the miasma.
DLC-M28 Obilterate Evil - War Anomaly (War) 60 Haku15000 Slay 1 Astrapteryx and 1 Cimmerian King. *They have been enraged due to the miasma.
DLC-M29 Exterminate Evil - Honor Age of Honor 60 Haku23400 Slay 1 Abyssal Fiend, 2 Phytodiors and 1 Hell's Sentinel. *They have been enraged due to the miasma.
DLC-M30 Exterminate Evil - War Age of War 60 Haku23400 Slay 1 Jollux, 1 Dreadhalf and 1 Cimmerian Queen. *They have been enraged due to the miasma.
DLC-M31 Obilterate Evil - Chaos Anomaly (Chaos) 60 Haku15000 Slay 1 Terragrinder and 1 Hell's Warden. *They have been enraged due to the miasma.
DLC-M32 Obilterate Evil - Yore Anomaly (Yore) 60 Haku15000 Slay 1 Viper Queen and 1 Nightblade. *They have been enraged due to the miasma.
DLC-M33 Exterminate Evil - Chaos Age of Chaos 60 Haku23400 Slay 1 Sableblade, 1 Glaciabella and 1 Nightstorm. *They have been enraged due to the miasma.
DLC-M34 Exterminate Evil - Yore Age of Yore 60 Haku23400 Slay 2 Mynxes, 1 Screecher and 1 Metagnost. *They have been enraged due to the miasma.
DLC-M35 Slayer among Slayers Surrounds 60 Haku15300 Slay 1 Frostwing, 1 Chthonian Fiend and 1 Snowflame.
DLC-M36 Ladder of Heroes Beyond the Known 60 Haku25200 Slay 1 Phlogistor, 1 Cacarion, 1 Mortabella and 1 Dreadknight.

DLC (Famitsu)[1][]

Name Age Time Limit Reward Objectives Remarks
DLCF-M1 Soul-Eating Earthquake Age of War 60 Haku1200 Slay 1 Jollux. *Shadow Oni may appear.
DLCF-M2 Fox Weather Age of Honor 60 Haku18000 Slay 1 Nightstorm. *It is wounded, so it is more ferocious than usual.

