Toukiden Wiki

The Village Surrounds are the first battlefield introduced in Toukiden: Kiwami.


A mountainous region in the immediate vicinity of Utakata Village. Free from the effects of the Oni's miasma, verdant and luxurious nature can be found throughout. This area was also the scene of the greatest battles in the war with the Oni following the Awakening eight years ago, and various scars of that conflict can still be seen today.


Loops from 0:06
BPM: 170 (4/4)


Expert Ultimate
Desert rose Dotaku bell
Mirror sword Divine agarwood
Arahabaki figure Earthmother's wish
Throwing stone Five layered robes
Pronged vajra Paradise lotus seed
Universal lotus Doman
Rusty armor Pulsing root
Offering branch Shrine grove branch
Hachiman statue Liontooth beetle
Broken hero's spear Red armor
Ancient teacup Denmuramasa
Flame of man's realm Wargod signal fan
Bent baton Spear fork
Warped coin Nightcloth
Rooster tail feather Fukusuke doll
Patriotic spirit Shipboard cannonball
Snowflake Ice flower
Restoration compass Loyal heart
True red clay Puresoil
Sun ring Straw festoon
Gerontogeous steel Spiritcall metal
Heavenly wood Bird cherry
Blood red ore Fabled Isle ore
Mysterious claw (L) Fantastical claw
Cryptid bone Godbeast bone
Otherworldly debris Otherworldly deposit
Eye of Truth mask


