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"It looks like it was waiting until we were fatigued. This is no ordinary Oni."
Nagi, facing a Windshredder in the Age of Honor.

Windshredders are the second large Oni introduced in Toukiden: The Age of Demons, first appearing in the Age of Honor.


Toukiden: The Age of Demons official website
A large Oni resembling a four-legged beast, they earned their name due to the way they slice through the wind as they effortlessly move about. They fly nimbly across the battlefield and attack with a sense of purpose, which has led to the deaths of many Slayers.[2]
四足獣のような姿をした、大型の“鬼”。風を切って疾駆する姿から、この名が付けられた。 俊敏な動きから繰り出される鋭い一撃によって、多くのモノノフが命を散らしている。[3]
Toukiden: The Age of Demons (in-game)
A large Oni resembling a lion, they earned their name due to the way they slice through the wind as they effortlessly move about. They nimbly traverse the Otherworld, and attack Slayers on sight with a sense of purpose that makes it seem as if they are hunting them.
異界内を俊敏に駆け回り、モノノフと見るや襲いかかる。 その様は、明確な意思を持った「狩り」のようでもある。[1]


Windshredders are large, lion-like Oni with a mostly golden body. Their face and chest skin is blue and they have tufts of yellowish fur on the top of their head and on their lower jaw. They have two horns with red-tinted tips, small, orange eyes, four legs with three claws each and a tail with a club-shaped tip. They also have many stripes across their legs and back, as well as what seem to be lines of hardened fur sticking out backwards. When they enter a rampage, two horn-like blades grow in each side of their head.


"Windshredders are fast and tricky opponents. Destroying their legs will make them easier to handle."
Wind Shredding Tiger description.

Destructible parts[]

  • All legs and the tail can be severed and purified. The front legs and the tail can also be completely destroyed in Toukiden 2.
  • The horns and both airblades can be permanently broken.

Attack techniques[]

A weapon with which you have a high Compatibility is recommended.


  • Leans back and quickly jumps forward.
  • Jumps to the left and then forward.
  • Charges forward. Can be countered with Oni Throw in Toukiden 2. If two or more legs have been severed, it will fall at the end of the charge. Sometimes, it may first do a backflip, knocking hit targets into the air.
  • Does a somersault and swings its tail, creating a shockwave. If the tail has been severed, the shockwave is nullified.
  • Bites the target twice while moving slightly forward.
  • Scratches to the side with its right or left front leg.
  • Swings its tail twice, creating two shockwaves. Hit targets may be stunned. If the tail has been severed, the shockwaves are nullified.
  • Roars and spins with a whirlwind around it. This is used every time its essence is revealed, and a similar attack is used when regaining its defense after a rampage.

  • Does a backflip and roars, surrounded by a whirlwind. This is used every time it enters this state.
  • Jumps forward while spinning, then quickly repeats it in another direction. If the airblades have been broken, the range of this attack is reduced. Sometimes, it may first spin backwards.
  • Charges forward, then to the opposite direction and jump while spinning.
  • Spits three wind projectiles from right to left.
  • Slashes to the left or right with its airblades. Sometimes, it might do this twice in a row.

Higher difficulty exclusive:

  • Does a backflip, creating a large tornado in front of it.



Loops from 0:08
BPM: 146 (4/4 > 7/4 > 4/4 > 7/4 > 4/4)


  • C2-M3: Hunting with the Wind
  • C2-M7: Decoy Mission - Part 2
  • C2-M11: Windshredder Hunt
  • C3-M2: A Sudden Gust of Wind
  • C3-M9: Winds on the Battlefield
  • C4-M9: Defensive Mission - Peace
  • C5-M14: Signs of Disaster - 2
  • C6-M7: Twin Storms

  • P2-M4: Hunting with the Wind
  • P2-M8: Windshredder Hunt
  • P2-M11: A Sudden Gust of Wind
  • P3-M12: Howling Blizzard
  • P5-M7: Tigers of the Wind and Sky
  • P6-M2: Turtle Soup
  • P6-M10: Fangs in the Wind
  • P6-M16: Tiger Hunting
  • P8-M12: Tigers That Live in Peace
  • P9-M13: Assembly in the Dark
  • P9-M17: Oni Eradication - Honor
  • P10-M5: Loose Ends - Grace
  • P10-M9: Oni Pursuit - War
  • S-M2: Lightning Crashes
  • S-M17: Eradicate Evil - Yore
  • S-M18: Eradicate Evil - Chaos

  • C8-M5: Tempest Amidst the Trees
  • C10-M7: Wild Tiger Hunt
  • C13-M9: A Powerful Gale
  • C13-M15: Transient Winds
  • C13-M24: Defending the Village
  • C13-M27: Talons of Terror

    • P12-M3: The Three Hunters
    • P13-M2: A Powerful Gale
    • P13-M8: Transient Winds
    • P13-M17: Village Defense - Part 1
    • P13-M20: Talons of Terror
    • P15-M18: Patrolling the Roads
    • P17-M8: Four Heads & Five Tails
    • DLC-M13: The Iron Hunter

    Age of Peace - Machina Plains (x2)

    • C1-M6: Ruins Survey - Peace
    • C1-M7: Wind Shredding Tiger
    • C4-M6: Twin Lions in the Wind
    • C7-M4: The Lurking Wind
    • C7-M7: Return to Ruins - Peace -

    • P1-M6: Hunting with the Wind
    • P2-M3: Ruins Survey - Peace
    • P7-M5: Unconventional Threat
    • P7-M7: Deeper Ruins - Peace -
    • P7-M9: Recovery - Peace -


    Toukiden: The Age of Demons[4][]

    Name Type Age Mission Chance[5]
    Taira no Kiyomori Spd-icon Honor-icon C2-M3, P2-M4 Guaranteed
    Semimaru Spt-icon Grace-icon C3-M2, P2-M11 Low
    Saika Magoichi Spd-icon War-icon C3-M9 Low
    Tokugawa Iemitsu Spc-icon Peace-icon C4-M9 Low
    Takenouchi no Sukune Spt-icon Yore-icon C5-M14, P5-M7 Very low
    Name Type Age Mission Chance
    Kamo no Chōmei Dct-icon Honor-icon P6-M10, P6-M16, P9-M17 Low
    Maeda Keiji Lck-icon War-icon C6-M7, P10-M9 Very low
    Naoe Kanetsugu Def-icon War-icon C6-M7, P10-M9 Very low
    Taira no Atsumori Spt-icon Honor-icon P6-M10, P6-M16, P9-M17 Very low

    Toukiden: Kiwami[4][]

    Name Type Age Mission Chance
    Taira no Tokuko Sup-icon Honor-icon C2-M3, C2-M7, C2-M11, P2-M4, P2-M8 ???
    Shuten Dōji Pln-icon Grace-icon C3-M2, P2-M11 ???
    Name Type Age Mission Chance
    Taira no Tomomori Def-icon Honor-icon C13-M9, C13-M15, P13-M2, P13-M8 ???

    Toukiden 2[]

    Name Type Age Chance
    Mito Mitsukuni Spc-icon Peace-icon Guaranteed
    Hasegawa Heizō Atk-icon Peace-icon Low
    Name Type Age Chance
    Arai Hakuseki Spd-icon Peace-icon ???
    Tokugawa Yoshimune Pln-icon Peace-icon ???


    Normal Expert Ultimate
    Windshredder shell Hardened windshell Condensed windshell
    Golden mane Whirling dust Whirlwind dust
    Dust storm Windshredder horns Shredder truehorn
    Windshredder hornbit Sharp airblade Slicing airblade
    Airblade Windshredder razor Windshredder slasher
    Windshredder claw Hard quick leg shell Mighty leg shell
    Quick leg shell Squail tail Thunderhead tail
    Gale tail Oni's tear Puresoul crystal
    Black sand Moan of lament Murksoul crystal
    Voice of lament Polyhedron crystal Otherwordly diamond
    Voice of despair
    3 Eye of Truth mask

    Normal Expert
    1 Windshredder shell 4 Hardened windshell
    3 Dust storm 6 Whirling dust
    1 Windshredder hornbit 4 Windshredder horns
    1 Airblade 4 Sharp airblade
    1 Windshredder claw 4 Windshredder razor
    1 Windshredder legplate 4 Windshredder legshell
    1 Gale tail 4 Squail tail
    1 Voice of anguish 4 Moan of anguish
    1 Voice of despair 4 Moan of despair
    1 Oni's club 4 Otherworldly mineral
    1 Voice of regret 4 Moan of regret
    1 Voice of resentment 4 Moan of resentment
    1 Whisper of affection 4 Vow of love
    1 Voice of valor 4 Roar of valor
    1 Voice of lament 4 Moan of lament
    3 Windshredder plastron




    List of Oni
    Logo-Toukiden The Age of Demons Small Oni
    ImpDark ImpPale ImpBlazing SoulShadow SoulPoisonspitterSleepspitterAurwingDark AurwingPale AurwingEarthfangFrostfangDrumbleUmbrapodCrawlerFrostcrawlerThorntongueFiretongueRockshellBlistershellHowlerBlitzerSickleclawSoulreaperRazortalonGoldentalon

    Large Oni
    ManhunterBloodhunterWindshredderSkyshredderJolluxEdaxPyropteryxAstrapteryxTerragrinderPyrogrinderHarrowhalfDreadhalfViper QueenVenom QueenBladewingFrostwingChthonian FiendAbyssal FiendHell's WardenHell's SentinelNightbladeSablebladeCimmerian KingAmaranthine KingCerberus
    Logo-Quiz Battle Toukiden Dark Blazing SoulDark DrumbleDark HowlerDark SickleclawDark Razortalon
    Logo-Toukiden Kiwami AurogrinderMynxPantheraScreecherCaterwaulerPhytodiorPhlogistorPutroxGlaciabellaMortabellaPetrosAnomalosThanatocerosMaledictaurCacarionOnyxwingStealthwingSnowflameNightstormMetagnostCrepusculosSnaggwenCimmerian QueenDreadknight
    Logo-Toukiden 2 Medium Oni

    Large Oni
    BruteclawScorpioclawBladetailSuccuwingSwiftwingQuadbracchiumCruspiscesCrocodilusWingspawnGoylespawnLeohominDrakwingColubraBrutebeastWreckbeastTokiwa-no-OrochiTenrin Kaija
    Logo-Toukiden Mononofu Shadow Viper QueenShadow BladewingAdedakini ▪ ???